March 12, 2018

Deliver 200 UK Wheelchairs to Moldovan Youth

There are 1000s of children who rarely see the sky, homebound, for the mere lack of a wheelchair. With your help, we can, for GBP26 / USD36 a child, equip 200+ poor Moldovan youth with refurbished UK wheelchairs, giving them mobility, social inclusion, and access to education. The project is win-win: for the UK healthcare sector that saves on the disposal expense, funds that can better be used for patient care, and for the Moldovan youth who are given a chance at a brighter, more joyful future.

WE NEED ***YOUR*** HELP! Support us NOW, today, because a strong kick-off day will make MAD-Aid a permanent partner on GlobalGiving, which opens other doors to raising funds for us to deliver more medical aid and equipment to hospitals in one of the poorest countries in Europe.

CLICK and DONATE now. Oh, and share this campaign with family and friends.