Things can move fast sometimes. We were contacted by our transport company on 30th October. “We have an empty lorry” they said. “Can we take a load for you?” We negotiated a great deal, and a consignment of wheelchairs was shipped off on 1 November!
Over one hundred and fifty wheelchairs are now in Moldova awaiting allocation to the people who need them. They include adult self-propelling wheelchairs, pictured here, electric wheelchairs, and some special child-sized chairs.
One young lady asked for a special colour, and we did our best. Here is her yellow chair.
wheelchairs secured on the lorry.
December 3rd – a landmark day
December 3rd is the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities. We are so pleased to have been able to transport the chairs and make them available for that day. Victoria is now in Moldova and will be updating the blog as we launch our wheelchair campaign in Moldova.
Our thanks as always to our volunteers, the oldest of whom is 86 this Christmas. Watch this space for more news.